
Adventures & More Blog

Past good times

Young Carmine at ChristmasChristmas, 1954
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday for many reasons. You can’t see the Christmas tree in this photo, but take a peek at the big box behind me. Can you guess what that was? Hint: the big circle in the center was a screen.

More about 1954
First successful kidney Transplant
Hank Aaron
TV Dinner

Dippy Derby, 1960Ciao! We're off on another adventure.
Okay, so the derby hat is a bit dippy, but oh what fun we had in that go cart! Ciao! We’re off on another adventure. That’s me waving at you from the Cocomobile, and the crazy driver is my kid sister, Joy. She’s a much better driver than she was back then. Look at the car in the background.

More about 1960
Vietnam War
Weather Satellite
United States presidential election debates

The Fearsome Foursome, 1963
The fearsome foursomeThis is a photo of the four Coco children taken in 1963. My sister, Risa, is the sleeping baby; my kid sister, Joselle, has the pixie haircut; and my brother, Larry, has the curly hair. As for me…the hairdo and glasses were quite popular just before I became a Beatlemaniac. Okay, are you done laughing? I told you growing up was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do!

More about 1963
I Have a Dream
Death of John F. Kennedy
I Want to Hold Your Hand
Project Mercury

All Things Big and Grand


Can you find me in this photo?

Last summer included visits to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Missouri, and Kentucky.  A grand time it was visiting friends, Toastmaster clubs, visiting historical sites and grand hysterical things!  I wonder what this summer holds?


Road Trip 2014


Amazing Badlands of North Dakota

Despite my ability to embelish details, I find it near impossible to describe a recent 18-day road trip with my best friend in the whole world…husband, Don. From Connecticut to Wyoming, now I understand why Grandfather Coco would say, “This great country!”  We rode a paddleboat, train, stagecoach, and segway.  We saw family, friends from years gone by, and everything from prairie dogs, a white buffalo, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Black Hills, the Badlands, Devil’s Tower, a cave, Gerald Ford’s Presidential Museum, Lake Michigan, the 114th National Hobo Convention, and the last day of my beloved Yankee Shoe Repair.  What touched my heart was everywhere in the Midwest all entertainment began with a salute to our American Veterans.  God bless this great country, the United States of America!

A Dynamicosaurus Time at the Highlights Foundation

dinosaur-photoFor those looking to hone or reignite their writing skills, I highly recommend sessions offered by the Highlights Foundation.  The faculty is well qualified, presenting workshops that are educational and enjoyable for both the new and seasoned writer.  The facilities are comfortable and the meals delicious.  A favorite part of my stay was the tour of the Highlights offices, meeting the amazing staff, and a great big hello offered by Mr. Dinosaur Head.  Hmm, I wonder how often the editors ask his opinion on a manuscript.  What a great idea for a shredder!

Why I Do What I Do

anthonyIt is always fun to travel, meet, and work with young readers.  This time a young reader traveled my way…nephew Anthony with a grand surprise.  He read A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt to me! Thank you for the wonderful memory, Anthony, I had so much fun with you.