Last summer included visits to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Missouri, and Kentucky. A grand time it was visiting friends, Toastmaster clubs, visiting historical sites and grand hysterical things! I … Continue reading
Category Archives: vacations
Despite my ability to embelish details, I find it near impossible to describe a recent 18-day road trip with my best friend in the whole world…husband, Don. From Connecticut to Wyoming, now I understand why Grandfather Coco would say, “This … Continue reading
Anyone who knows me knows that I typically jump in with both feet. While visiting the Fond Doux Holiday Plantation in St. Lucia I saw this young man climb into a huge metal pot and start dancing a fast step … Continue reading
My family and I consider Johnstown, Pennsylvania a second home. While there in June, we visited the Steepest Vehicular Inclined Plane in the World. A vehicle can be driven onto the large car and ride down the inclined plane with … Continue reading
Travel in Thailand is a colorful event. The cabs come in a variety of colors. While in Bangkok, I chose a different colored cab every day. … Continue reading
These past months have been quite busy. I’ve dipped my toes in the Caribbean Sea, the Northern Atlantic Ocean, Pyramid Lake in Paradox, NY, and visited Toastmaster clubs in Maine and St. Lucia. I’ve zipped through the treetops of St … Continue reading
From sea to shining sea, this country belongs to you and me. I have been fortunate enough to travel to Europe, Asia, and Australia, all the while absorbing the joy of many wondrous sights. Yet, tears filled my eyes at … Continue reading