Several days ago, I realized that our 20-foot flagpole was frozen, and I could not get the flag down in inclement weather. Yesterday, with camera in hand, I stood at our second-story window watching 20 inches of snow coming down … Continue reading
Carmine Coco De Young
Three hours of rolling dough, 70+ raviolis later, and holding to an almost 40-year tradition in the De Young home, this is dinner tonight. … Continue reading
Anyone who knows me knows that I typically jump in with both feet. While visiting the Fond Doux Holiday Plantation in St. Lucia I saw this young man climb into a huge metal pot and start dancing a fast step … Continue reading
No resolutions for me! I make a to do list based on what I learned, what I want to remember, and what I need to put behind me from the year before. To do in 2014 is to stretch my … Continue reading
During this beautiful season, I wish to thank you, my readers of all ages, particularly those who assist in bringing my stories to life. … Continue reading
In a recent survey of dipping tootsie toes in Mother Earth’s waters, my personal list included the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. As for the Arctic Ocean…perhaps I’ll wait. … Continue reading
My family and I recently visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. This dinosaur was quite polite. He asked, “Excuse me, would you happen to have the time?” It was 3:30 PM, to which he said, … Continue reading
My family and I consider Johnstown, Pennsylvania a second home. While there in June, we visited the Steepest Vehicular Inclined Plane in the World. A vehicle can be driven onto the large car and ride down the inclined plane with … Continue reading
I wish to thank the many educators, librarians, and happy readers that I have heard from this school year. It has been a true pleasure to work with you, visit your schools, and read your letters. Have a great summer, … Continue reading
Travel in Thailand is a colorful event. The cabs come in a variety of colors. While in Bangkok, I chose a different colored cab every day. … Continue reading