I’ve been thinking about those traveling the open road in this bitter cold weather. Stay warm, safe, and dry, my friends, and angels be with you.
Carmine Coco De Young
Six months until the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Last year, students from the University of Iowa worked very hard to catalogue and update the display of hobo artifacts. It is fantastic and well worth a visit.
The American Hobo has a home in Britt, Iowa. This year will mark the 109th National Hobo Convention hosted by this wonderful town of approximately 2,000 people. The convention, always held the first week of August, is where the hobo … Continue reading
It was a real treat to meet Dan Barry, retired astronaut and castaway on the TV show, Survivor. He was the recipient of the Communication & Leadership Award at the District 53 Toastmasters Conference in Holyoke, MA. His acceptance speech … Continue reading